We are providing Souvie™ - What Is Souvie™?. Souvie™ is innovative way of sharing event photos. It comes in different shapes like: Heart, bottle of champagne or standard QR code shape. You can use it to share photos for events like: Wedding, Bachelorette party or Birthday. You can order it:

On off the biggest trade-offs is that you can share Souvie™ beforehand and upload photos after its already shared! This come handy as you have control of your photo gallery and what will be shown when Souvie™ is scanned before and after event!

Order Souvie™ and setup empty photo gallery for your event.

Order Souvie™ and setup empty photo gallery for your event.

Scan the Souvie™ code with your smartphone.

Scan the Souvie™ code with your smartphone.

Share Souvie™ with event guests and everyone will have photos as soon as you upload them.

Share Souvie™ with event guests and everyone will have photos as soon as you upload them.